Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Look at that Face!

Isn't he just too cute for words! I went to visit my parents last weekend and their new puppy is just about the cutest thing ever - his name is Gizmo and in the picture he is 2 1/2 months old.

He is absolutely tiny - maybe 8 inches long and 7 inches high, we don't think he even weighs 1 pound yet - he'll probably only be about 4 pounds when he's fully grown. He's scared of people when they're standing up - he's very aware of how small he is, but if you lay down on the floor look out! he feels the need to lick every square inch of your face - and he has a particular fondness for noses, especially licking all the way up them - ewww!

Of course the birds have picked up on all of the new noises in the house. Kara can bark, whine and cry just like him - trust me I heard her at about 6am on Saturday morning. And she loves to make squeaky toy noises as well. My parents had Poppy out of her cage one night and she left the dog alone until he fell asleep behind the couch, then she went up to check him out and must have scared him because he yiped and bolted right away. They don't think she bit him or anything, just startled him. Can you imagine waking up to see a bird who is pretty much the same size as you right in your face?

So, now I can hardly wait until my condo is finished - as soon as I have a fenced backyard with sod I'm getting a puppy! I'm not sure if I want one quite as small as Gizmo or not though. Also, I'm not sure how my cats would take it! Cleo would just run away, but Jewel gets cranky sometimes.

Anyway, check out my facebook account for more pictures of Gizmo if you like!


Swoosh said...

Aren't pets so much fun? No one says that about my cat, but what can you do. Trent wanted a Siamese because they're vocal. How were we to know that ours would be the one who never shuts up!? I'm sure your new dog (when you get him) will be just fine with the cats!

shinbone #4 said...

REALLY cute... super cute - catastropfically cute almost :D
So uhh.. it's friday night and I'm in the city - hope to see you soon?? xx's Grace