Monday, April 16, 2007

Stars on Ice 2007

So, my mom, sister and I went to Stars on Ice again this year. It's pretty much an annual bonding event for us. I don't think I've missed one for the past 6 or 7 years! This years tour was called Double Exposure since they included lots of tidbits about the skaters day to day lives.

Let's see, who all was in the show you ask? Kurt Browning; Brian Orser; Jamie Sale & David Pelletier; Marie-France Dubreuil & Patrice Lauzon; Jeff Buttle; Joannie Rochette; Jennifer Robinson; Kyoko Ina and John Zimmerman; Todd Eldredge; Special Gueses were: Miki Ando and Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo. I don't think I'm missing anyone!

This was Brian Orsers last tour - I almost cried when he skated his last solo! Now granted, I do cry easily but I wasn't the only teary one I'm sure. My mom was wondering who was going to do the backflips from now on!

I found out a couple of days after the show that Jamie Sale is pregnant (3 months I think is what the paper said) - which probably explains why they didn't do as many big tricks this year!

Let me know if you want to join us next year - the more the merrier!

OK - back to work I go....


Swoosh said...

Yay for Stars on Ice! I remember the first and only time I went to one (in Lloyd), and they all did a final lap around the rink waving at everyone. I almost freaked out because I felt like they were waving at me. Yes, I was MUCH younger then, and they were my heros. Then I wanted to hang around and see if I could get some autographs, but my parents and brother wanted to get home. No understanding whatsoever! :)

Kelly said...

I'm so in!

shinbone #4 said...

sounds amazing!! *sigh*